With the new SQE programme we offer a range of flexible training options.

We can adapt and design sessions  for your particular learning outcomes chosen from the following:

  • Client Care – Delivering Excellence
    Examining the needs of the business and the role of the trainee. Key focus is client care, internal clients, the skills needed to deliver an excellent service and taking accountability.
  • Effective Communication in Business
    Building on existing communication skills and styles and developing new methods to help trainees communicate effectively in the workplace (often their first professional role).
  • Hybrid Presenting Skills
    The best hybrid events have one thing in common: they put the audience first, both audiences. This session covers simple, practical techniques and shows how to be confident in bringing presentations to life and help improve your presentation skills on camera
  • Impact and Presence
    How to demonstrate confidence and be present in different situations, how to create a positive and memorable first impression and how to influence and persuade others.
  • Managing your Time and your Work
    How to deal with the challenges of working in law firms, working for several people and multiple instructions as well as prioritising, planning and scheduling.
  • Negotiation Skills
    You will come away with a framework for creating sustainable, win-win solutions and with the confidence that they have the skills to deal with, persuade and influence the toughest of negotiators
  • Networking Skills/Confidence with clients
    How to ensure that networking is strategic, enjoyable and a valuable use of time through preparation, being confident at events and following up effectively. This session will give you the tools and confidence to build your network by examining the essential strategies required to get the best from any networking event.
  • Presentation Skills
    Learn how to prepare for a presentation, create engaging content in technical areas and deliver with energy and confidence. The course explores techniques and skills which enable you to deliver engaging presentations to any audience.
  • Professional Etiquette – Presenting your best self
    As trainees make the transition to office-based work, this session focusses on ‘showing your best self’. The business world has certain expectations about behaviour at work. While many firms have shifted to a more casual culture, this session helps you understand how proper business etiquette can go a long way.

We continue to develop and design new courses to sit alongside trainee learning as they progress through the firm.

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